UV LED curing lamp and traditional high pressure mercury lamp

1. Long service life:

Compared with traditional UV curing equipment, the service life of the mercury lamp is only 800-3000 hours, and the service life of the UV LED ultraviolet curing system reaches 20,000-30000 hours. The LED method can be lit instantaneously only when ultraviolet light is needed. When DUIY=1/5 (preparation time=5 irradiation time=1), the service life of the LED method is equivalent to 30-40 times that of the mercury lamp method. Reduce the time to replace the high-pressure mercury lamp: improve production efficiency, but also very energy-saving. When the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp curing equipment is working, because the high-pressure mercury lamp starts slowly and the opening and closing affects the service life of the lamp, it must be lit all the time, which not only causes unnecessary power consumption but also shortens the working life of the high-pressure mercury lamp.

2. No heat radiation:

High-power LEDs do not emit infrared light. The surface temperature of the irradiated product rises below 5°C, and the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp UV curing machine generally raises the surface of the irradiated product by 60-90°C, which causes the positioning of the product to shift, resulting in product failure. The UV-LED curing method is most suitable for thermally sensitive and high-precision bonding process requirements such as plastic substrates, lens bonding, electronic products, and fiber optic cables.

Three, pollution-free and environmental protection:

In the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp method, there is mercury in the lamp tube, which is very troublesome for waste disposal and transportation, and improper treatment can cause serious pollution to the environment. The LED curing machine uses semiconductors to emit light, and there is no pollution to the environment. Therefore, the use of LED curing machine is more environmentally friendly.


4. The output UV light intensity is high and stable and uniform:

Using high-power UV LED chips and special optical design, it achieves high-precision and high-intensity irradiation of ultraviolet light; ultraviolet light output reaches 6800mW/m2. Using the latest optical technology and manufacturing process, it achieves a higher intensity output and uniformity that is more optimized than the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp irradiation method, which is almost twice the luminosity of the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp method, so that the UV adhesive is cured faster. The production time is shortened and the production efficiency is greatly improved.

    When the traditional high-pressure mercury lamp type point light source curing machine increases the irradiation channel, the increase of the channel will cause the output energy of a single irradiation channel to decrease. With LED-type irradiation, each irradiation head emits light independently, and the irradiation energy is not affected by the increase in the channel, and is always kept at the maximum value.

    Because of its super concentrated illuminance, compared with high-pressure mercury lamps, UV LED shortens the irradiation time of the operation and improves the production efficiency.

5. Small loss effectively reduces production costs:

    The UV LED method is higher than the mercury pressure lamp method, and the effective luminous efficiency is more than 10 times higher.

    At the same time, regardless of whether the high-pressure mercury lamp is effectively irradiated or not, the high-pressure mercury lamp needs to be continuously lit, and the power is always in a state of consumption. The UV LED method consumes power only during irradiation, and almost zero power consumption during standby. A simple calculation can be made, the energy saved by each point light source curing machine:

       270 (watts) * 8 (hours) * 365 (days) = 800 (kwh)

    It can be seen that each unit can save 1,000 yuan per year with only electricity consumption. Not only that, by saving electricity, each car can indirectly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.4 tons per year, which is equivalent to the annual displacement of a car.

    Calculated on the basis of the service life of the high-pressure tribute lamp of 2000 hours/piece, and it is replaced at least 4 times a year, the annual loss of the imported high-pressure tribute lamp is more than 10,000. The UV LED curing method has a service life of at least 30-40 times.

6. Simple installation and space saving:

The volume of the LED curing machine is only 1/5 the size of the traditional curing machine, which makes the installation of the equipment easier and reduces the occupation area of the production site.

Seven, high stability, high reliability:

From circuit design, optical design, system optimization to component selection, circuit protection, the implementation of the high-trust design concept ensures the stability, reliability and curing consistency of the equipment.


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