It is undeniable that as UV LED curing technology is getting more and more attention, UV LED light sources are gradually used to replace traditional mercury light sources in many application fields.
According to Tang Wenjun, “UV LED market share will increase rapidly this year, and the overall market is expected to explode soon. In addition, it is believed that UV LED will be the first to explode in industrial light curing, exposure machines, fluorescent agent detection and other fields.”
Pei Xiaoming, vice president and CTO of Optoelectronics, also believes that “the threshold for printing, nail art, and plant lighting applications is relatively low, chip resources are not limited, and efficiency can meet application-level requirements through some integration methods. This will become the first market to explode. ."
In terms of chip technology, UVA LEDs (315-405nm) have already begun to mature (but there are still many problems, such as the anti-static ability of the product, and the low-band less reliability below 365nm); in terms of packaging technology, UVA LEDs have relatively low requirements for packaging (except for the industrial market).
Bingyi General Manager Wu Gan said frankly, “At present, everyone has high expectations for the outbreak of UV curing, but most of the UV curing is used in the industrial market, which places very high requirements on the system.”
Indeed, the application of UV curing requires entrants to have a good understanding of the environment in which LEDs are used, which can interfere with ink (including varnish), power supply, machine operation (current fluctuations, electromagnetic vibration, machine operation thermal disturbance, etc.), oil and gas environment, and printing materials. , Operating speed, cooling system, etc., must have sufficient understanding and corresponding solutions.
"So, I think it is difficult for China's industrial-grade light curing to explode in a large amount in a short time. However, in some light curing fields, such as simple system ink, paint, and coating light curing fields (especially handheld light curing fields), it will explode in advance. "Wu Gan mentioned at last.