Light-emitting diodes are used in non-lighting fields

In recent years, LED lighting has gradually replaced traditional lighting, and the market penetration has increased steadily. In addition to general lighting, UVCLED, IR LED, visible light communication (LIFI), Micro-LED and other sub-fields have also developed rapidly, and some LED companies have also begun to consciously penetrate into sub-fields. The future LED pattern will show " "Big and strong, small and beautiful", and China will definitely produce many "small and beautiful" companies that focus on a certain field.

In recent years, the LED application field has continued to expand, from general lighting, display backlighting to medical lighting, lighting lighting, traffic lights, stage lighting, etc., to some special innovative applications, including UV LED, visible light communication, MicroLED, automotive lighting, Plant lighting, medical lighting, etc., penetrate almost all aspects of people's food, clothing, housing and transportation. Subsequently, Professor Li Shiwei introduced the application and progress of LED automotive lighting applications, LED application materials, LED agriculture and horticulture applications, visible light communication (VLC), and IR LEDs.

Although the UV LED market has a bright future, what are the challenges facing its production? Professor Li Shiwei from the Shenzhen Research Institute of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology said that UVCLEDs still face three major challenges, namely epitaxial growth equipment, chip materials, and LED packaging. UV LEDs have higher requirements for the uniformity and temperature tolerance of MOCVD, and the epitaxial growth conditions of visible light LEDs are not suitable. In the past, blue LEDs used gallium nitride or indium gallium nitride as the substrate, while UV LEDs need to use aluminum gallium nitride as the substrate. The lattice defects and adaptation conditions of the two are different and need to be re-studied. The packaging system is also very different from traditional packaging, and needs to be re-researched and developed. UVB is mainly used in biomedicine, such as the treatment of skin diseases. UVC is mainly used for the disinfection of gases and fluids.

The wavelength range of UV LED is 200nm-400nm, and the application scenarios of these different wavelengths of ultraviolet light are also different, so they are divided into three categories: UVA (320nm-400nm), UVB (280nm-320nm) and UVC (200nm-280nm) . UVA is mainly used for polymer curing, such as printing ink quick-drying, nail polish second-drying, 3D printing fast curing, etc. UVB is mainly used in biomedicine, such as the treatment of skin diseases. UVC is mainly used for the disinfection of gases and fluids.

"The function of LED should be more than just "seeing" and "being seen". From vision and lighting applications to UV and IR applications, it is not a simple replacement of LED chips, but an extension of more technology.


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