Five angles to look at LED

1. Theoretical aspects

After in-depth research by generations of scientists, the theory of spectroscopy is more abundant, whether it is UVA, UVB or UVC, scientists have a deep understanding of light in different wavelengths. LED is based on the theory of spectrum and band, and has a solid foundation. Next, the theory of LEDs will tend to be more effective in different wavelength bands and different spectrums, and various data will be more refined.

2. Technical aspects

Deep LED has just started. The focus of LED technology is to develop a line with a wavelength of 260-280nm, which is different from the traditional low-pressure germicidal mercury lamp at 253.7nm, so there is a big difference in technology between the two. There are many technical bottlenecks in LED, whether it is power, conversion of quantity and energy, materials, equipment, or cost price, and R&D personnel are in urgent need of further breakthroughs.

led technology

3. Standards

Since LED sterilization is still in its infancy, there is currently no national mandatory implementation standard. It only refers to the standard of traditional low-pressure sterilization mercury lamps. The difference in the technical characteristics of the two determines that it is impossible to imitate it. Therefore, the National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering R&D and Industry Alliance (CSA) Standardization Committee organized and compiled the "LED Standardization System Report" and initiated the construction of standards such as "LED Technology and Application Terms and Definitions" and "LED Sterilization Technology Report". However, these standards are far from adapting to the current development of Shenzhen LED. More, more accurate and detailed LED standards are required, and local governments and associations also need to vigorously support the development of LED standards.

Fourth, the product

LEDs are widely used in civil fields such as water purification, air purification, biological detection, sterilization, medical equipment, polymer curing, industrial photocatalysis, etc., and LEDs are compact and portable, environmentally friendly, safe, and easy to design. They are used in portable disinfection electronic products such as Maternal and child sterilizers, elevator handrail sterilizers, lighting sterilization lamps, sweeping robots and other fields have great uses. In the future, there will be countless creative design products based on mature LED technology.

Five, the market

The LED industry chain will form a trillion industry. The LED industry chain covers different fields such as new materials, precision equipment, chips, packaging, medical application products, consumer electronics, purification products, industrial use products, and lighting sterilization products. The trillion-dollar industry is by no means empty words. At present, many companies such as Sanan Optoelectronics, Qingdao Jason, Zhongke Lu'an, Jingneng Optoelectronics, National Star Optoelectronics, Hongli Bingyi, Guangpu Co., Ltd., Deep Purple Technology, etc. have carried out technology development and production in the LED field; In particular, Changzhi City in Shanxi has planned to build an LED industry with Zhongke Lu'an as the core. Benefiting from the promotion of LED by the epidemic, it is believed that more companies will invest in the LED industry in the future, and more LED industrial parks will appear across the country.


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