Deep UV LED can be used for sewage treatment and compound degradation

1. Deep ultraviolet LED sterilization technology can be used for sewage treatment (sterilization and disinfection)

Chevremont et al. used the bacteria and chemical indicators in the wastewater to evaluate the effect of UV-A or UV-C LED and the combination of the two on urban wastewater treatment. The experiment monitored the residual rate of excreta biological indicators in municipal sewage and the oxidation rate of creatinine and phenol. The results showed that the combined use of UV-A and UV-C LEDs can be more effective than using a single UV-LED alone. It can effectively reduce the content of microorganisms in wastewater, and can oxidize 37% of creatinine and phenol. This result is comparable to the effect of using photocatalysts such as TiO2. This method can effectively recycle urban wastewater, which is of great significance to many water-scarce countries.

Deep ultraviolet LED sterilization application


2. Compound degradation (photodegradation)

Roddick et al. studied the effect of a batch reactor combining 255 nm UV-LED and H2O2 on the treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate in high-salt municipal wastewater. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, color, and pH value (pH value) are used as detection indicators. The research results show that the reactor can break the chemical bonds of the chromophore and change the molecular structure, degrading high-molecular-weight compounds into low-molecular-weight compounds. Condensate leads to a decrease in DOC concentration, color and other indicators, and subsequent UVC/H2O2 treatment causes these parameters to further decrease. This proves that UV-LED has potential application prospects in the field of reverse osmosis concentrate degradation treatment


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