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Urban pollution mainly includes air pollution, water pollution, solid waste pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution. LED plant lights seem to have nothing to do with these pollution and its treatment. Think about the destruction of the environment, haze, and ozone holes. It seems to be far away from our daily life, but it is precisely the details that we usually do not pay attention to that cause these consequences. Similarly, the only way to relieve and save is the bit by bit we usually do.


        (1) LED plant lights and air pollution

        Plants are always nature's best air purifiers, using their inherent powerful functions to silently maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

        After the massive expansion of the urban area and the severe destruction of the green belt, people began to reflect on themselves slowly. It took how many years to develop garden-like green spaces into international metropolises. Building small gardens in the soil to make up for it, and make a little effort to reduce or control urban air pollution as much as possible.

        The emergence of LED plant lights has accelerated the development of plant factories. Planting green vegetables or flower crops in cities can also be regarded as a contribution to the control of urban air pollution.


        (2) LED plant lights and water pollution

        Urban water pollution is mainly domestic pollution and industrial pollution. Domestic pollution contains a lot of nutrients, and it is easy to form water bloom phenomenon-red tide.

        People who have been to the vegetable market will often see that a pile of dead leaves and rotten leaves are stinking, and the general way to deal with it is to throw it into urban rivers. For humans, it is indeed a pile of rubbish, almost of no use. . But for algae or other parasites, it's paradise.

        In plant factories, plants illuminated by LED plant lights can be transported to the point of sale in a short time, and can be quickly and flexibly replenished according to demand, which greatly reduces economic losses and environmental damage caused by factors such as transportation time and storage time. It also reduced the degree of urban water pollution to a certain extent.


        (3) LED plant lights and solid waste pollution

        Before the emergence and application of LED plant lights, people used artificial light sources such as halogen lamps and sodium lamps to supplement light for plants.

        Halogen lamps and other lamps do solve some of the problems in the field of plant lighting to a certain extent, but at the same time, the light efficiency is low and the life span is not long enough, especially because they cannot be used twice, which brings serious damage to the environment.

        Using LED plant lights to supplement light for plants, aside from light efficiency, light quality, and life span, as far as it can be recycled and reused, it is indeed very beneficial to the control of municipal solid waste pollution.


        (4) LED plant lights and soil pollution

        The cause of soil pollution is generally caused by the discharge of waste gas and waste water and the disposal of solid waste. The soil contains all things, and all things return to the soil. The control of soil pollution needs to be comprehensively controlled from air, water, and solid waste lamps



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