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The new application of LED plant lights has three focuses, agricultural lighting, visible light communication, and ultraviolet LED. Recently, the heat transfer "LED light fertilizer" sold 5 acres of winter jujube for 400,000 yuan. Today, I will interpret this focus with you LED gentlemen.

 The use of technology to assist high-economic crops is a new agricultural trend, especially the application of LED light sources to plant growth, which is a major breakthrough in recent years. The Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan found that replacing incandescent lamps with LED lights as night lighting for crops can solve the yield problem caused by insufficient light, and can also achieve the benefits of energy saving and power saving, and increase farmers' income.


  Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute develops a "smart greenhouse", uses smart LED light control technology to grow organic asparagus, and introduces an IoT planting environment automation monitoring system, which can automatically measure indoor light, air and soil temperature, humidity, conductivity and other data daily , And adjust the light output of LED lamps through relevant data analysis to create the best light environment for asparagus planting.


    It has been confirmed that through LED lighting, the total quality and benefit can be increased by 32%. In the future, the software and hardware technology and production management model of this demonstration field can be fully replicated and expanded to other crop production, plant factories, simple greenhouses and other fields.


 At the same time, Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute also cooperated with Hsinchu Fragrant Hill Strawberry Garden. The use of LED lighting can shorten the number of days required for planting to bloom and fruit, which has been shortened by at least 10 to 15 days. The early harvest will increase the number of production periods and control strawberry plants. The growth form, yield, quality, and suppression of pests and diseases, and the value-added benefits of LED lighting technology also make strawberry planting one of the high-value agriculture.


      With the assistance of Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, Wang Lishen, a grape-growing farmer in Xihu Township, Changhua County, also used LED night lights in vineyards. Because the vineyards in Taiwan are planted in sheds, the vines open branches, loose leaves, and produce results on the shed. Therefore, LED lights must be illuminated from bottom to top in order to maximize economic benefits; the design and placement of LED lights have been continuously modified , Finally successfully developed a module that can replace incandescent lamps, saving a considerable amount of electricity bills for farmers.


     At present, the intelligent LED light control technology of the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute has been adopted in the agricultural land of Nantou, Hsinchu, Changhua, Taiwan, such as water bamboo shoots, asparagus, strawberries and grapes, and has shown good planting results. The LED light source can select a specific wavelength to adjust the light quantity and light quality to meet the light waves required by the plants, as a control crop production period, yield and quality, and the LED photoelectric industry in Taiwan has a complete supply chain and customized design capabilities, and advanced agricultural planting technology Especially in the world, if the advantages of the two are combined, it will be able to create world-competitive high-value-added LED light applications and high-quality agricultural products. With the use of LED lights, the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute illuminates the road of high-value cash crops for farmers, and also makes Taiwan's organic agriculture more transparent.

     The LED lights of the Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute were first used in the test of the white bamboo shoots in Puli, Nantou. The LED lights were introduced into the white bamboo shoots in Puli, Nantou, to control the light. The light bulb type was used to illuminate the light bulbs directly above the plants to allow the crops to receive even light , Make the efficiency of photosynthesis better.

      This method of irradiation greatly reduces power consumption by more than half and reduces farmers' planting costs. LED lights have the advantages of uniform luminosity and no light damage, which can achieve the purpose of increasing yield, high efficiency, disease resistance and no light damage. Not only water bamboo shoots, but Taiwan’s local organic asparagus, even in winter with insufficient sunlight, LED light sources help to supplement the light, maintain good quality and stabilize output, and become the best ingredients for five-star restaurant cuisine. These are fresh, tender, sweet and delicious. The juicy asparagus is the result of scientific and technological cooperation between Nantou Jiujiufeng Organic Farm and Industrial Technology Research Institute.

      Plant-specific fill light uses LED light source to emit narrow-spectrum red, yellow, orange and other monochromatic lights, and can also be combined arbitrarily. In different periods of plant growth, scientific "spectral formulas" are given to promote healthy plant growth. It solves the problems of low luminous efficiency, high energy consumption, and short life span of traditional light sources such as fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, and halogen lamps in plant applications.

Using LED semiconductor light sources for agricultural production can also bring huge wealth to farmers? On September 1, in an interview with the reporter in Nantaiqi Village, Shuangquan Town, Dali County, the farmer Zhou Yizong gave a resounding answer: He actually sold 400,000 yuan of winter jujube in 5 acres of greenhouse this year, earning 80,000 yuan per acre. It is more than 4 times that of surrounding farmers. The mystery is that he used LED semiconductor lighting, which made his winter jujube go on the market half a month earlier and sold at such a good price.

     "This time, aiming at the three key points of Zhou Yizong's greenhouse winter jujube budding, leaf development, flowering and fruit setting, and maturity, LED semiconductor lighting was used to supplement the light to advance the maturity of winter jujube by half a month. The effect is very obvious." Zhao Duchuan, chief engineer of the Technology Development Co., Ltd., said that the LED semiconductor lighting used by Zhou Yizong, also known as "LED light fertilizer", was produced by the company.



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